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Choice Jersey Builder

When done designing go to the Checkout/Roster tab. 

*In the notes section, put your name, phone number and email address. 

*Save the design with your team name

*If you provide contact info, our team will reach out to you within 48 business hours. 

Our favorite starting points:

*Baseball: JBST8 and JBS4                    *Softball: JSBJ24 and JSBJ22

*2-Button: JBS7, Full Button: JBS6        *2-Button:  JSBJ20,  Full Button: JSBJ32


*Soccer: JSJ4 and JSJ4W                       *Football: JFJ1 and JFJ2

*Hockey: JHKJ1L                                     *Basketball: JBBJ112 (W)

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